Having your business on social media platform is an absolute necessity if you want to be able to generate leads and sales for your brand. If you have not joined the social media band wagon just yet, what are your reasons? They better be valid! The current wave of promoting business on social media isn’t dying down any time soon, the numbers are on a constant rise and for very good reasons to one of the best and easiest ways to reach and identify your target audience is through the use of social media platforms.

While we are all aware other social media apps exist, there’s no denying that Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok are 3 of the most popular social interactive apps where a majority of people spend their time in.

The trio (Tiktok, Facebook and Instagram) share very similar elements but are still so uniquely distinct. Each of these social media platforms offers you a different experience and atmosphere for your business as well as your potential customers.

Its okay to feel more than a little bit confused on which of the social media platforms should you invest your time and energy to especially if you are a newbie with using social media for your marketing. You see they all work in different ways in offering benefits to your business if used right.

Which of these 3 social media platforms (Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook) should you then focus on?

We’ll cover then in a few minutes, first let’s explore some of the major benefits that these 3 social media platforms can afford your business;

1. Organic Brand Visibility

When you use social media the right way and with consistency you can put your business on the map for a lot of social media users. You are able to generate and create awareness for your brand without splurging on paid ads. If you are able to create content that people love, they’re likely to engage with it and even share it across their personal social media and this naturally offered you more brand visibility.

The best part is that these 3 social media platforms are low cost. You can start up a business and attract consumers easily and from your homes.

2. Generate website traffic

Let’s be honest, one of the most important aspect of any digital marketing strangers for website growth is generating traffic for your website. When you are able to generate traffic, then you are a step closer to a lead generation. These 3 social media platforms in recent years have become pivotal in generating traffic for websites. You can use social media to market your brand and share some of your contents and you can then include a link that will take people to your website. This means that the more visibility your brand has on the social media platform, the higher your chances are of generating some website traffic for your home.

3. Personalized communication

The best way to get to people is through emotions. A major way of building an emotional connection with your target audience or customers is through a personalized communication.

These social media platforms gives you the opportunity to establish a relationship with your consumers. You are able to gently ease your brand unconsciously into their minds.

A great way to use personalized communication on these social media platforms is through creating a consistent and relatable brand voice. You should create content that your audience will understand fully, relate will and eventually engage with.

4. Gain Customer Feedback      

The most honest and brutal feedback you can get for your business or your brand is the one gotten from a customer. This is because they speak from a “ME” point of view which can be selfish but needed. You see, a majority of your customers do not really care about your brand they care about what your rand can do for them. A customers feedback will offer you the chance to know and se Eid you’re meeting their expectations and things that can be improved upon.

These social media platforms makes it so easy to get s customer feedback. With the very public comment sections, a customer can communicate their dilute or likeness for your brand or business desist. They can also dm you privately if they need to Bruce you a more personalized answer.

5. Generate Leads

TikTok instagram and Facebook are great ways of generating leads. 

To acquire leads, most times you will need to provide some sort of social proof to your audience or create a helpful content that will ease them off their worries. Sharing These social media platforms make use of customer testimonials reviews and feedbacks from past customers to appeal and attract a new audience. A social proof that is honest genuine and result driven can be important in lead generation.

A Detailed Comparison of the 3 Social Media Apps (Perks and Cons)


Tiktok focuses on short form videos which are typically very catchy and appealing. Instagram also focuses on short form videos but the introduction of reels has also given Instagram marketers to extend their video time and some can now stretch for long minutes. Facebook is the social media platform that offers the longest form of video content and the contents are much more serious and targeted more towards the older generation compared to Tiktok and Instagram which comprises majorly of Millennials and Gen Zs. Facebook and Instagram also offer much more than just videos; their is a variety of content to indulge oneself in from images to trivia’s, challenges, memes and long written content. Tiktok on the other hand does not offer the opportunity to write long form content on its app, neither can your potential customers indulge in quizzes or challenges. This makes Tiktok a bit more restricted in terms of variety of content compared to it predecessors Instagram and Facebooks.

Paid Advertising

 TikTok titles mostly towards Gen Z audience and its reach is higher among females of age 18-24. Instagram targets majorly GenZs and millennials while Facebook is much more inclusive and focuses on targeting people from different age ranges. This will also affect the cost of advertising for each of these platforms. Tiktok has the cheapest paid advert because of the target audience you are likely to find there. Facebook and Instagram on the other hand cost more when paying for a targeted Ad. Facebook ads are also targeted towards users based on their location, demographic, and profile information. If you set up your campaign right, you can drive quality clicks and impressions to produce value for your business. So, Facebook ads turn out to be more profitable than other advertising channels like TikTok.


To gain any traction with your content on Facebook and Instagram, you have to first build a network of friends and followers who will get to see your posts and potentially broaden the reach.

With TikTok it’s exactly the opposite. The algorithm determines who gets to see your posts. If your video strikes a nerve it may be seen by as many as one million people without as much as one follower.

This works surprisingly well and in my opinion it’s one of the reasons why TikTok is growing exponentially. New users and viewers are met with extremely rich content that becomes very relevant very fast, making it especially addictive to the ‘lurkers’.


 Facebook is an already matured marketplace and it’s huge, and oversaturated with all types of commercials to suit businesses of all sizes. The Facebook platform is rapidly changing. The behavior of Facebook changes, the rules change for communication/notifications and the News Feed. And thanks to its size, rivalry is fierce since so many brands advertise on Facebook. TikTok is a relatively new marketing platform so competition is less and since there are fewer ads on TikTok, it makes it easier and affordable to stand out.

Facebook is a popular social networking site that gives you the power and freedom to build community and connect with your family and friends online. It helps you connect with the people you know and care about. It enables you to communicate, stay up-to-date, and keep in touch with them. Originally a network for select college students, Facebook first expanded into high schools, then larger networks, taking students and colleagues across the country, and eventually took over the world. Today, everybody is on Facebook – your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, and probably even your grandparents. Even some of the world’s biggest and well-known brands now use Facebook to build engaged and profitable communities.

TikTok, Facebook And Instagram ; Which one currently Holds the Top Spot?

At the moment, tapping into Tiktok is highly recommended because of the opportunity it offers small businesses. The market especially for prmotion of business is still relaatively a decent number and has not beome over saturated.

Your chances of going viral with your business are also way more heightened than any other social media platform. This does not however make it the best social media platform to use for your business but it has a current frenzy and you should tap into right now when the market is still less saturated.

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