LinkedIn recently shared some helpful tips to make your ads and posts on the platform stand out. Alexandra Morales, a social media manager at LinkedIn Ads, provided insights on best practices for increasing engagement. Here are the key points:

Users want to interact:

Social media users are eager to engage, but it’s important to simplify the process and offer something in return. Encourage interaction through polls, comments, and other means, while considering what value you can provide to users for their engagement.

Disrupt the norm:

To grab attention while users scroll through their feed, create content that stands out. This can be achieved through bold or counter-intuitive statements that spark curiosity, or visually appealing content that breaks patterns.

Inspire and trigger emotions:

Maximizing engagement involves evoking emotional responses. While anger may be one approach, joy, happiness, and inspiration are more likely to garner support. Instead of generic inspirational quotes, share stories that inspire confidence in your brand and align with your company’s core values.

Use the right visuals:

The choice of visuals and their format greatly impacts interaction. Utilize larger images instead of standard thumbnails, as they tend to generate a 38% higher click-through rate (CTR). Recommended image size is 1200 x 627 pixels. Additionally, consider how visuals appear on mobile devices.

Concise headlines:

Shorter headlines generally attract more engagement. Aim for 150 characters or fewer for ad headlines, and keep descriptive copy to 70 characters or fewer (over 100 characters may be truncated on desktop). Focus on grabbing attention and enticing clicks rather than sharing all the information at once.

Encourage action:

Prompting users to take the next step is more important than overwhelming them with excessive information in a single post. Use generative AI tools like ChatGPT and LinkedIn’s own evolving generative AI tools to create copy variants.

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