Social media is great for marketing businesses, but, is it really a top marketing platform for your business?

Just how important is it?

Marketers are always looking for new ways to connect with their target audience, but, social media still seems to be one of the best marketing channels to use to grow your brand.

In a recent report created by Hubspot, statistics has  shown that social media has now become the top marketing channel of 2022 recording around 44 percent of digital marketing strategy.

In the recent trends report published by Hubspot, statistics prove that while social media holds 44% of most marketing strategies, websites and blogs have 36 %, email marketing has 35% and content marketing has 32%.

The majority of digital marketers reveal that it has the most effective platform and channel for gaining new customers in the past year.

In terms of the content types used on social media platforms, most respondents said they utilize content that reflects their brand’s values. A majority of content marketers claimed that their most effective type of social media content was humorous content.

B2B Marketers Leverage Social Media Marketing

B2B marketers, most especially have been able to record a high rate of success using social media compared to other digital marketing forms.

In a 2022 State of B2B Digital Marketing report conducted, the data gotten from the research has shown that upto 50% of B2B marketers see social media as their most effective way to drive traffic to their business and make sales.

Content marketing and email marketing were a close second and third respectively.

In the next 12 months, the majority of B2B marketers have expressed their optimism at the promise of social media positively impacting their businesses even more. They also plan on increasing their social media budget.
Additionally, 44% claimed that they will be doing the same for content marketing, and 32% are going to increase their investment in paid search.

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